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🚨 EXCLUSIVE INFO: $TSLA RoboTaxi will revolutionize more industries than you might imagine!


• Tesla's scheduled robot taxi event in October could impact not only ride-hailing service companies like Uber, but also the industry. It could also have an impact on major companies like Amazon and Airbnb.

• Investments in Tesla's robo-taxi network could lead to high cash flows of up to 80% per year, even at conservative estimates.

• Tesla's use of xAI and humanoid bots could challenge Amazon in several areas, including ad revenue and cloud computing services.

• Tesla's disruptive changes could reduce the need for distribution centers and warehouses in retail logistics.

• The shift from manufacturing EVs to providing transportation services (TaaS) could be critical to the survival of the automotive industry.

• By focusing on in-car experiences, Tesla's robo-taxi could become a new “third place” for meetings and socializing, just like Starbucks in the past.

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  • sabuzero : Don't you know the reality of the taxi industry? In cities, public transportation is well developed and the number of taxis is decreasing. In rural areas, everyone has their own car, so they don't use taxis. I don't think this declining industry can be profitable.
    When you're not riding in a taxi, I don't think anyone would use their own car for such things. First of all, it's likely to be stolen.
    I don't think it's a good investment.

  • pinkotu : Will professions like taxi drivers disappear? If so, with the emergence of robots, the number of factory workers can be reduced. Human jobs will decrease.

  • 白のサルマン sabuzero : Many Japanese people have a very conservative mindset. Even Uber is not widely used here. It's already a common practice worldwide. You will understand this if you live overseas. It's a feeling that people living in Japan can't comprehend. It may take half a century for the business model of this robot taxi to be accepted in Japan. I think the business model of robot taxis will continue to spread worldwide.

  • sabuzero 白のサルマン : Yes, I think people no longer go out except for traveling, and when they really need a car, they either use their own car or rent a car.
    This doesn't seem to be limited to Japan.
    Public transportation infrastructure already exists all over the world.
    I don't think the taxi industry will thrive. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

  • 白のサルマン sabuzero : Elderly people with disabilities who require long-term care certification have a high frequency of needing emergency medical care, often relying on family-owned cars each time. After experiencing such situations multiple times, I believe there is a tremendous demand for Robo-taxis. In my opinion, Japan, which is experiencing rapid aging of its population, should be the first to introduce Robo-taxis. I think it's okay to prioritize the introduction to a country with a larger young population.

  • Kimihiko OP 白のサルマン : Thank you for your comments. If there are after-hours trades on Monday, I am thinking of buying.

  • 白のサルマン Kimihiko OP : こちらこそ、ありがとうございます。ロボタクシーが普及すれば、駐車場が必要なくなりますし、メリット沢山ありますね。事故の際の責任の所在や車内での犯罪行為をどう取り締まるかなど、解決すべき課題はありますが、ロボタクシーで助かる人は多数いらっしゃいます。また、テスラのFSDはガソリン車にもインストールして使えるようになるでしょうから、EV販売が低迷してもテスラにとってはそれ程痛く無いはずですね。エネルギー事業が伸びてますし、オプティマスも大ヒットするポテンシャルありますし。10月10日のロボタクシーイベントで、イーロンが世界を失望させないことを祈りたいです。

  • sabuzero 白のサルマン : それでは、救急車は何の為に有るのでしょうか?需要があれば直ぐに増えるのが公共設備です。緊急にタクシーはあまり聴きません。

  • 白のサルマン sabuzero : Ambulances exist for patients with urgent needs. In addition, the number of people who are weak in their legs and back, have congenital physical disabilities, and cannot go to medical institutions alone due to after-effects of cerebral infarction, etc., has been increasing year by year. The impact of aging is significant. In such cases, it is common for family members to take them by car. Having valuable working-age labor taken away by caregiving is a negative impact on the economy. If the era of realizing robot taxis and AI robots assisting becomes a reality, it would be good if people who need caregiving can go to medical institutions or go shopping without assistance. This would reduce the stress of caregivers. It is an idealistic view, but I predict that the robot taxi business will become a hopeful star in the medical field. It will also reduce the number of car accidents, allow people to easily get in the car even after drinking alcohol, and be more cost-effective than taxis with drivers. What do you think? Aren't there many benefits? I apologize if there are any errors in my understanding. Please feel free to point them out.

  • sabuzero : You are mistaken. Caregiving is a profession, it is a job. Do you find it convenient or futuristic to take that job? Many people do not want to ride in unmanned vehicles. Feeling the future in something unnecessary can lead to a big impact when it fails. Because it is something unnecessary.

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