Ben “Samurai” : Happy earning. Lucky u get on board. No sign of slowly down
Rocketier (MAXN) OP : Thanks man I hope really
买什么什么涨 Ben “Samurai” : same here… I should’ve in last night when it was still around 14..
Ben “Samurai” Rocketier (MAXN) OP : Set a stop loss
Ben “Samurai” 买什么什么涨 : No one knows.. it closed at 14.6 and suddenly the price shoot up after the earning report
买什么什么涨 Ben “Samurai” : I thought It would go back to 13+ but it turned out the other way round. The report looks very promising
Rocketier (MAXN) OP 买什么什么涨 : Hahaha yeah siaa
BuyLowSellHighTrader : To the moon
MrEarth BuyLowSellHighTrader : To Mars, men..
Ben “Samurai” :
Ben “Samurai” : Happy earning. Lucky u get on board. No sign of slowly down
Rocketier (MAXN) OP : Thanks man I hope really
买什么什么涨 Ben “Samurai” : same here… I should’ve in last night when it was still around 14..
Ben “Samurai” Rocketier (MAXN) OP : Set a stop loss
Ben “Samurai” 买什么什么涨 : No one knows.. it closed at 14.6 and suddenly the price shoot up after the earning report
买什么什么涨 Ben “Samurai” : I thought It would go back to 13+ but it turned out the other way round. The report looks very promising
Rocketier (MAXN) OP 买什么什么涨 : Hahaha yeah siaa
BuyLowSellHighTrader : To the moon
MrEarth BuyLowSellHighTrader : To Mars, men..
Ben “Samurai” :