Timothy A
It depends if your trading or investing. If your trading i got no idea but as an investment the space sector is looking strong. As others have pointed out rklb is tiny compared to spacex
There are many buyers and many sellers. No one can be certain whether it will rise or not. If it could be guaranteed to rise one hundred percent, who would still want to sell?
1015327 Wolfy
Try "Call" option and Stock if the funds are available. No regretts when funds are small. Never known. Options is good for active and pro. Keeping Stock is legendary. Good luck.
长青 : If the funds are small, you can buy directly, after all, I also went all in, I am also a beginner
菜鸟小白 长青 : I am also a novice.
Exactly : Try to buy long call options for good stocks while it’s down
Timothy A : It depends if your trading or investing. If your trading i got no idea but as an investment the space sector is looking strong. As others have pointed out rklb is tiny compared to spacex
CWK888 : There are many buyers and many sellers. No one can be certain whether it will rise or not. If it could be guaranteed to rise one hundred percent, who would still want to sell?
1015327 Wolfy : Try "Call" option and Stock if the funds are available. No regretts when funds are small. Never known. Options is good for active and pro. Keeping Stock is legendary. Good luck.
PayMaker : Don’t trust the comment section, most people here don’t know what they’re talking about.
do your own research.
Christina AG CWK888 : Some people are day traders.