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$Rocket (RKT.US)$ this sell off today is asinine. rocket mor...

$Rocket (RKT.US)$ this sell off today is asinine. rocket mortgage is the perfect example of a company that's going to benefit immensely from lower rates because the bulk of their revenue generating model is refinancing and they have the lowest cost of customer acquisition of anybody in the industry. you can go back and read what I said about this company there's only a couple people that have ever posted on it. if there's another down day tomorrow I'm buying there's not a ton of upside I just want to caution this is not 100% double but I think by Midway next year it could be 27-28 and I believe they're going to generate so much cash from refinancing will do a special dividend they've done it in the past a couple of occasions it's a cash dividend and when they make that announcement the stock skyrockets and you can look at the history and see what I'm talking about
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  • 10baggerbamm OP : time to put some buy orders in... the only sector that strong this morning are the uranium stocks off of the news of 3 Mile Island reactor being taken out of mothballs by constellation energy and Microsoft buying 100% of their output under contract once their operational. by next week all of the riff Raff will be over with nuclear short-term. and people will start to buy the benefactors of the rate cuts. and this company will trade back up in the next week or two to $21 and change

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.