OPCoach Donnie
I would never put myself in a position to lose everything I have number 1. number 2, I'm just playing around and learning something at the same time. I have a few ' damnit ' moments and move on. ya win some. ya lose some. I'm still in a little of a damnit moment with Archer though lol. I have to or think I have to, get back into it before I miss the bus again. it's what happens when you read negative things about a company and let your emotions and feelings get involved. I've learned that for sure.
Coach Donnie
Yep exactly. Some in stocks a lot in ETFs some in crypto some in real estate some in gold and silver and trading with play money
OPCoach Donnie
I have a 401k with Fidelity that I let the 'pros' deal with until I take it over myself which won't happen for a while. that's why I'm here. to learn more than earn so I hope they do well lol. I'm not crazy about some of the ETF's they have my money in but it is what it is for now.
Coach Donnie : Happens
I Am 102927471 :
HailTheApocalypse OP Coach Donnie : yes it does. it's all in good fun though. it's not like I have millions invested lol.
Coach Donnie HailTheApocalypse OP : Fun
is the key
HailTheApocalypse OP Coach Donnie : I would never put myself in a position to lose everything I have number 1. number 2, I'm just playing around and learning something at the same time. I have a few ' damnit ' moments and move on. ya win some. ya lose some. I'm still in a little of a damnit moment with Archer though lol. I have to or think I have to, get back into it before I miss the bus again. it's what happens when you read negative things about a company and let your emotions and feelings get involved. I've learned that for sure.
Coach Donnie HailTheApocalypse OP : Yep exactly. Some in stocks a lot in ETFs some in crypto some in real estate some in gold and silver and trading with play money
HailTheApocalypse OP Coach Donnie : I have a 401k with Fidelity that I let the 'pros' deal with until I take it over myself which won't happen for a while. that's why I'm here. to learn more than earn so I hope they do well lol. I'm not crazy about some of the ETF's they have my money in but it is what it is for now.
Coach Donnie HailTheApocalypse OP : SPLG and FTEC are great ETFs look at the CAGR ROI on both over 1 year 5 years 10 years and max
HailTheApocalypse OP Coach Donnie : I'll certainly look into those. thank you.
Coach Donnie HailTheApocalypse OP : Better in your hands than “pros”
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