There are lot of people trade option in spx and spy which are the reflection of sp500 index. The only difference is, spx is cash settlement and 10x larger than spy. The most popular spx underlying option product is the spx 0dte. I highly oppose people of trading spx 0dte using Option because of the turbo charge time decay or ice cream 🍦 melting factor. I do trade 0dte spx full-time selling premium, but not recommended for novice because it is not easy unless you have mimimum 1 year experience in option trading and you must have a medium to large size account. Spy is a very popular etf for option premium sellers because of the low volatility as compare to individual stocks. On nov 27/24, i enter a sell put csp contract for spy at 598.45, strike at 560, 113 dte mar 21/25, premium 640, delta -0.20, iv 12.4%, Annualised Return 3.7%. Yesterday was a green day, i have collected close to 15%. Alot of times, you can go out 113 dte, but it doesn't mean you will hold more than 100 days. I can simply close out my contract at 30% , 50% and etc at anytime I want. But do take note, mimimum must go out 45 dte and close contract, roll , take profit and etc at 21 dte. We normally try and collect 75% of premium, standard practice, but it's not a must. This is a cash secure put trade, 560 x 100 shares = 56k usd, so be sure to have the collateral amount in your account before doing this trade.
籠的傳人288 OP : Take note, 10 x spy is equivalent to 1 x spx.
Ultratech : or $Mini Standard & Poor's 500 (.XSP.US)$ is a cheaper version of spx