tamtk : You sold well
ๆๅๆฐ : I also sold at 230.8, saw it stay at 231, felt that I sold late. However, bought nvidia afterwards and made a little profit.
Piny OP tamtk : Xiaobai is still learning how to say it~~
Piny OP ๆๅๆฐ : I bought Nvidia when it was expensive, but now I haven't made any money and I'm afraid to get started
102675077 : same sell to fast oso sigh
tamtk : You sold well
ๆๅๆฐ : I also sold at 230.8, saw it stay at 231, felt that I sold late. However, bought nvidia afterwards and made a little profit.
Piny OP tamtk : Xiaobai is still learning how to say it~~
Piny OP ๆๅๆฐ : I bought Nvidia when it was expensive, but now I haven't made any money and I'm afraid to get started
102675077 : same sell to fast oso sigh