182232160 : Followers!
182232160 : Do you want to make money by taking profits frequently or continue to pursue your dreams?
RGTI1000バガーメン OP : I don't want to appear in the RG thread. Is there any way not to appear?
社畜リーマンLv99 : You could just write it on X.
RGTI1000バガーメン OP 社畜リーマンLv99 : It's okay, you don't have to write anymore
OceanGreen : I will refer to it! Thank you very much.
よっしー61 : Thank you for always providing accurate information.
ころさん : It has come up to 4.78.
ワーニャ : I want you to comment~
ハイボーラーmasa : I have followers (laughs)
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182232160 : Followers!
182232160 : Do you want to make money by taking profits frequently or continue to pursue your dreams?
RGTI1000バガーメン OP : I don't want to appear in the RG thread. Is there any way not to appear?
社畜リーマンLv99 : You could just write it on X.
RGTI1000バガーメン OP 社畜リーマンLv99 : It's okay, you don't have to write anymore
OceanGreen : I will refer to it! Thank you very much.
よっしー61 : Thank you for always providing accurate information.
ころさん : It has come up to 4.78.
ワーニャ : I want you to comment~
ハイボーラーmasa : I have followers (laughs)
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