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Scam - Modus operandi (Re 328.HK)

I would like to share with everyone my experience on Viber. For others, it can be in other forms Whatsapp,etc
- Time of grooming 3 months - They are very very patient.
- Skills - very good. The teacher told us in advanced that NYSE was going to fall in July and it really fell. I suspect the teacher is also member of a legitimate group. He said that he belongs to a group of friends who has many years of trading experience. His view of the market was very professional...not your typical fly by the night scam artist.
- Members - They kept on updating with screenshots that they made money with large transactions. I believe some of the group members are also members of the scam group
- I was put in one group for 3 months. Then, the scammer shared us screenshots of his VVIP group making 30% to tempt us. Then, everyone wants to go to the VVIP group. But he may have many different VVIP groups (Red flag: The group icon was different. Red flag: None of the names in the previous VVIP group winning screenshots were there in the new VVIP group). The new VVIP group for me is the Gas Chamber.
- Number of wins with scammer =4 (each time easily made 6-10% with different stocks). Losses 2. Ultimate loss - None (because my friend said he will kill me if I had bought. Also, my friend told me ONE day before the final operation day what the stock was going to be. I was like ...omg... my friend is a friend of my scam teacher?...haha )
- They looked very real. They give buy price, stop-loss price. But I suspect they are also playing different groups against each other. They ask you to queue Lower than current price. Question to all: How do they know SOMEONE is going to sell at the price they quoted unless they are the ones selling the shares themselves to you. They have collected the shares at a much lower price. They love to play small cap stocks as these are easy to control ... these scam stocks will move 100% independent of the country's main indexes.
- First round - You ALWAYS 100% will make money (but if you just joined the group, you do not know what round they are playing)
Final round - You will ALWAYS 100% lose money unless you know exact day and time they are going to bail out.
MAIN ISSUE is because they have built the trust you have in them, you bet the biggest in your final round. I told my teacher I was going to bet the same amount but he kept on insisting for me to bet a bigger amount. How does me buying a bigger amount benefit the entire operations unless it is just for me to prepare a bigger catchment for the shares they are preparing to dump?
Red flag: One was the funniest. I messaged the teacher to add me in the one of the week's operations. Two hours later, one fellow member wrote my exact message with case and punctuations all intact into the group chat as his own message. I think teacher better sacked the careless operator ... or they are the same person. For these operations, scammer can easily have 10 different android phones(sponsored happily by previous victimes) to trade.
Red flag (on D-Day): Some members kept on saying they have bought xxx number of shares. Funny thing is after you add up xxx number of shares, it was less than total number of shares currently queued. You must ALWAYS be able to see queue levels. Pay to view the queue activity to your trading platform if you must. When the queue numbers are unhealthy (aka big ..but subjective), you can lose your lifetime savings.
Dumping time: 3.30pm usually of HK market. But now, they have changed tactics because they know that we know. They can dump in last 10 minutes or eve post-market. Even harder to spot is when they dump in first hour of market or pre-market
There have been two kinds of charts I have seen. Those which they push up for 1-3 months... even a child can easily spot. Another could be horizontal for a couple of months and then they ask you to buy. This second one is hard to identify as a scam stock because these are stocks scammers are stuck with themselves and want to sell off.
Many of you could have faced a similar case like mine. Do share the "modus operadi" you faced. Scammers read these chats too. So they will change their tactics tomorrow. The sad thing is that these scamming has been going on since "大时代" drama times and will go on for the next decade. There are many reasons why these activities have not been stopped (it can easily be stopped) but I have to share my reasons privately.
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