BuyHigh_SellLow : No we close at 120
Rocketier (MAXN) BuyHigh_SellLow : You funny ah
BuyHigh_SellLow Rocketier (MAXN) : Thanks imma funny guy but my gf still left me tho :(
Rocketier (MAXN) BuyHigh_SellLow : I'm sorry to hear that bro =(. Well you deserve someone better than her really
BuyHigh_SellLow Rocketier (MAXN) : Nah i fumbled :(
BuyHigh_SellLow : No we close at 120
Rocketier (MAXN) BuyHigh_SellLow : You funny ah
BuyHigh_SellLow Rocketier (MAXN) : Thanks imma funny guy but my gf still left me tho :(
Rocketier (MAXN) BuyHigh_SellLow : I'm sorry to hear that bro =(. Well you deserve someone better than her really
BuyHigh_SellLow Rocketier (MAXN) : Nah i fumbled :(