Bigjhill02 : dumb in like a week or 1 lol
Bigjhill02 : get in while cheap believe me friend
Miggs fiance bro : this is a short/ long position.
Miggs fiance bro : this is like a hold it out for a week, and when it hits a high more than today you sell
mikem85 : lol
Bigjhill02 Miggs fiance bro : yes !
Twitchy_Tism OP : I’m in haha
Bigjhill02 : dumb in like a week or 1 lol
Bigjhill02 : get in while cheap believe me friend
Miggs fiance bro : this is a short/ long position.
Miggs fiance bro : this is like a hold it out for a week, and when it hits a high more than today you sell
mikem85 : lol
Bigjhill02 Miggs fiance bro : yes !
Twitchy_Tism OP : I’m in haha