105371451 : Did you sell it?
狙击手AMR OP 105371451 : The current value is still underestimated.
Chunzj 105371451 : pretty sure ma brother is doing a long term till double digits
SakataGin :
狙击手AMR OP Chunzj : 這個才是我目前的目標價
105371451 狙击手AMR OP : What is the estimate?
狙击手AMR OP 105371451 : The divine secrets must not be leaked.
105371451 狙击手AMR OP : Secretly speaking~ My Malaysian Ringgit is hard-earned
狙击手AMR OP 105371451 : The same
105371451 狙击手AMR OP : Come on, tell me secretly Let's have a little chat.
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105371451 : Did you sell it?
狙击手AMR OP 105371451 : The current value is still underestimated.
Chunzj 105371451 : pretty sure ma brother is doing a long term till double digits
SakataGin :
狙击手AMR OP Chunzj : 這個才是我目前的目標價
105371451 狙击手AMR OP : What is the estimate?
狙击手AMR OP 105371451 : The divine secrets must not be leaked.
105371451 狙击手AMR OP : Secretly speaking~ My Malaysian Ringgit is hard-earned
狙击手AMR OP 105371451 : The same
105371451 狙击手AMR OP : Come on, tell me secretly Let's have a little chat.
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