HH1000 : maybe you should help him empty it ;)
Candy077 HH1000 : eewwwww
imaginative Camel_38 OP : I wanted to see who would be immature about that comment. hats off to you folks lol
mikem85 : I'm still tring to IMAGINE how a can empty Santa's sack...no
imaginative Camel_38 OP mikem85 : imagine if moomoo gave me the name Imaginative Reindeer lol
HH1000 : maybe you should help him empty it ;)
Candy077 HH1000 : eewwwww
imaginative Camel_38 OP : I wanted to see who would be immature about that comment. hats off to you folks lol
mikem85 : I'm still tring to IMAGINE how a can empty Santa's sack...no
imaginative Camel_38 OP mikem85 : imagine if moomoo gave me the name Imaginative Reindeer lol