※知足常乐※ :
Bear 一鱼发 : Don't worry. Historically low is 1.48, far away from that. Still considering high.
JJ trader : When it reaches there, you would sell all you have.
Bear 一鱼发 : Already sold off all at 1. 81, and wait for the historic low to buy back
soyabean89 : more like see kiao kiao
※知足常乐※ :
Bear 一鱼发 : Don't worry. Historically low is 1.48, far away from that. Still considering high.
JJ trader : When it reaches there, you would sell all you have.
Bear 一鱼发 : Already sold off all at 1. 81, and wait for the historic low to buy back
soyabean89 : more like see kiao kiao