Yup, have been resting on 191 // 192 daily when the day closes. At this moment, its daily volume has been far too thin to move the price convincingly to the next level. It closes at 193 today. This is a good 'footing' to give a super explosive surge tomorrow.
天意堂8444 OP : Traders trade night sleep day?
天意堂8444 OP : Retailer trade day sleep night?
_MK_Watcher_ : Yup, have been resting on 191 // 192 daily when the day closes. At this moment, its daily volume has been far too thin to move the price convincingly to the next level. It closes at 193 today. This is a good 'footing' to give a super explosive surge tomorrow.
Wall Street Raider : Good start for tmr tho.
_MK_Watcher_ Wall Street Raider : Yup, it really moves past 197 at 1111am.