103532591 OP : Continue Upside or downside will be 2025? DYoDD!
103532591 OP : STM opened 236 closed 240 at 02012024?
103532591 OP : The lowest 136 at 28062024?
103532591 OP : Tomorrow will it close 208(31122024) to end 2024?
103532591 OP : Lucky 000 Company still operating like ?
103532591 OP : Is there still 3 inches of iron on the wrecked ship?
103532591 OP : Continue Upside or downside will be 2025? DYoDD!
103532591 OP : STM opened 236 closed 240 at 02012024?
103532591 OP : The lowest 136 at 28062024?
103532591 OP : Tomorrow will it close 208(31122024) to end 2024?
103532591 OP : Lucky 000 Company still operating like ?
103532591 OP : Is there still 3 inches of iron on the wrecked ship?