103532591 OP : The best is standing up above 1.90?
103532591 OP : The strong selling at 1.87 to block it?
103738568 : will overrun $1.87 than over the horizon you will see the rainbow
103532591 OP 103738568 :
Les Lim : let's hope it goes back to 1.9x
_MK_Watcher_ : It could be an illusion at the gate, at 188 as now - as there is a huge tall wall behind, resided at 190/192, which needs huge effort to climb over.
103532591 OP : The best is standing up above 1.90?
103532591 OP : The strong selling at 1.87 to block it?
103738568 : will overrun $1.87 than over the horizon you will see the rainbow
103532591 OP 103738568 :
Les Lim : let's hope it goes back to 1.9x
_MK_Watcher_ : It could be an illusion at the gate, at 188 as now - as there is a huge tall wall behind, resided at 190/192, which needs huge effort to climb over.