We are in Moomoo everyday from morning to night. No 🐒no 🐁..
Whoever win we cheer for them together, Whoever loss, we stand together and encourage one another. Don't need to aim at others just to show Who is best or who is accurate. Use the positive energy to win . Not to turn moomoo community into a fight, sarcastic remarks and negative place.
Where are all the pests? especially those pests with no badges in their profile.. yet commenting and insulting others. Contras 2 cents sold ( kpkb) shown to others how much he won. ( 真假没人知道)它会, 我们也会。We 2 cents sold he make rubbish remarks. Short-lived happiness for 1 to 2 days ? We make money, small or big amount we are happy 10 min also happy. Keep talking about contras, pls keep the " joke." The whole market knows those who play contras loss more than win. And contras are for those without cash or holding power.
Long story I also know how to write, long analysis I also can write.. for what ? All those ( copied reports & analysis can read from lots of sites) 有本事就像我一样,另类见解。
我没指名道姓 已经很客气了。
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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Gonna Fly
as in I'm thinking of using cfd to trade.. anybody have experience if, let's say we trade approx 17.5k sgd per transaction, how much will the fee be for moomoo? for cfd it's approx $25ish per transaction.
Gonna Fly
Detached House
cos my friend intro me, he says can trade up to 10x of capital. so if let's say put in 3k.. and leverage it to 30k, but using half of it as a buffer just in case and to match the min comms fee charge at $25. so am thinking whether wanna give it a try..
Stock Watch
OPGonna Fly
min 25 but adding all the fees, will be more than that.. Good is that you can short T-30, which all others not allowed except official SG securities. T only
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
Gonna Fly : how about cfd?
Gonna Fly : as in I'm thinking of using cfd to trade.. anybody have experience if, let's say we trade approx 17.5k sgd per transaction, how much will the fee be for moomoo? for cfd it's approx $25ish per transaction.
Detached House Gonna Fly : If you have no experience, better not. You will die cock stand. Trust me.
Stock Watch OP Gonna Fly : Much Better than Contras T+30
Stock Watch OP Gonna Fly : 17.5k not 25 ba?
Stock Watch OP Detached House : Start from small
Gonna Fly Detached House : cos my friend intro me, he says can trade up to 10x of capital. so if let's say put in 3k.. and leverage it to 30k, but using half of it as a buffer just in case and to match the min comms fee charge at $25. so am thinking whether wanna give it a try..
Gonna Fly Stock Watch OP : as in comms for cfd is at 0.2%.. so approx 17k worth or that transaction.. is $25..
Gonna Fly Gonna Fly : sorry is 13.5k worth..
Stock Watch OP Gonna Fly : min 25 but adding all the fees, will be more than that.. Good is that you can short T-30, which all others not allowed except official SG securities. T only
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