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sec issued the wells notice follow up on solana and ronbinhood! Solana is regarded by sec as securities and they will banned this token..all brokerage has to take down solana$USD (USDindex.FX)$ Solana

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  • EZ_money : more crypto coins have failed than survived since crypto started. it's the perfect ponzi scheme ever. even creating Gold coins with BTC symbols so in your head you start seeing it as golden opportunity raining Gold BTC stacks on a table when in reality it's nothing more than code, machine intrinsic value unlike real gold, land, a home, water, ammo, produces nothing doesn't buy assets like a company that can go to liquidation if necessary, it can't file bankruptcy or be bought up by another company. it's not even being traded like a currency more like a stock now.

  • ——…—— EZ_money : Being skeptical about anything in this world is fine.

    But imagine an asset is valued at not $1 or $100 or $1,000 or $10,000 but US$66k, yet being completely dismissive of it is naive.

  • EZ_money ——…—— : this is a volatile ponzi scheme sorry assets are needed, assets are necessary. An asset is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation, or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. or asset can be created by companies producing something. BTC is not a necessity.

  • EZ_money ——…—— : your resources are machine language

  • ——…—— EZ_money : How is the $100 currency note made of paper different from bitcoin made of machine language, if the ultimate aim is to have people exchange goods and services

  • 103480872 ——…—— : Just to let you know, BTC has the potential to be reliable global currency, but BTC is currently used as a ponzi scheme because the price fluctuates significantly every 3-4 years cycle. crypto cannot be used as a payment method bcs it fluctuates a lot. I think as long as crypto fluctuates as much as gold, then it will fulfill as the best currency. Otherwise the country that used crypto as their currency will face huge inflation and deflation every year.

  • EZ_money ——…—— : it's not..... neither is any of the other worlds fiat. that's why the BRICs nations are buying up gold and silver to back up the new currency coming out. however, the western central banks are aware of this and the feds and central banks already have a plan in place to replace the dollar. This is what they mean by The Great Reset. the dollar is already destroyed 97% percent of it's purchasing power is gone. one man working one factory job in the 50s could buy a home, support a family of four, travel and save money. now you can't even support yourself on a factory job. do you wonder why there's so many millionaires out there? because they printed the money. I'd be exchanging my bitty for gold and silver right now

  • EZ_money 103480872 : it had potential, not anymore

  • ——…—— EZ_money : Beats me why the banks are investing and the US allowing their retired to invest their pension into bitcoin

  • EZ_money ——…—— : if so, you better be doing it through a central bank because more bank closings are coming

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