The feeling of holding I have for this stock is simply eternal. I have all the time in the world. Not selling until this thing is six digits per share or more.
conscientious Ibex_8
I dig the sentiment, but no. I hate these frauds, but I hate the government more, or the same. it's whatever, the point is, I like both.
OPconscientious Ibex_8
I like btc too. to clarify what I meant, I'm pretty sure they're using Bitcoin and derivatives of, to control margin. they're all wrapped up in one another....
MuscMoo OP : running out of cash? tick tock
OptimusCrime : The feeling of holding I have for this stock is simply eternal. I have all the time in the world. Not selling until this thing is six digits per share or more.
conscientious Ibex_8 : I dig the sentiment, but no. I hate these frauds, but I hate the government more, or the same. it's whatever, the point is, I like both.
MuscMoo OP conscientious Ibex_8 : I like btc too. to clarify what I meant, I'm pretty sure they're using Bitcoin and derivatives of, to control margin. they're all wrapped up in one another....
conscientious Ibex_8 MuscMoo OP : oh, absolutely. Boys, as in, fraud jerks not Boys as in us. My mistake. 100% agree, the use of crypto is blatant.