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Sep19 night hunting bear notes - ammunition is very limited, must wait patiently and ensure a safe distance.

Notes on night hunting bears - ammunition is very limited, patience is required, and ensure a safe distance.

Wednesday mid-cap Sep 19

Today is an ALL-U-CAN-EAT buffet, but I don't have the funds to participate. However, I still need to organize trading records and reviews:

- Flat throw GLDM gold, Anson (next day), Qorvo (next day), UNI-LED (next day). It doesn't make sense to hold these for the long term, and there's not enough energy for short-term trading either.
- Still trapped: Walmart (not worried), MU (annoyed).
- Intel has sold 75%, there's no need to keep a signal warehouse, but keep a little to study English and watch the big technology market.
- The signal warehouse SWKS is not worth betting 30, and it's trapped.
- Bright spot: The online and offline business of Walmart increased by 43% last year, and by approximately 100% over the past five years. This performance surpasses Synopsis' in the stock market.

It's not worth betting on Micron for the past two weeks! The five-year trend for Micron looks mediocre. It can only be used as a signal warehouse, and should be handled as a short-term trade for three days. Samsung, Hynix, Arm, and Micron are four players targeting the AI HBM and HPC demand. Micron's market share is not in the top two and is the weakest of the top four. Therefore, betting on Micron is still not well-researched, ultimately due to lack of experience.

It's not worth keeping Qorvo as a signal warehouse, even less for ultra-short-term trading, with only a 6% annual increase. TODO quickly flatten out.

Short speculation may not be suitable for Synopsis, with a 15% annual increase and 284% over five years, there's no room for speculation. The software has no market for additional issuance, it can be used as a signal warehouse, TODO other flat sales.

*Decided to do dynamic regular investment*

Abandoning most individual stocks and switching to timing regular investment. As a novice, I lost money after playing for two months and ten days. I lost in July because I didn't know when to take profit and lost in September because of wrong purchases of ASML, Synopsis, Cadence, and MU. I've learned a lot of knowledge in these two months and started making random trades. Making money made me happy but had trouble sleeping, and losing money made me even sadder and unable to sleep well. The price I paid for making money with my health is not worth it. Here is the team composition for regular investment:

**Team 1: Big Caps & Buffett**

- IWM annual growth of 22%, five-year growth of 42% (stable and moderate)
- SPY 28, 90
- QQQ 30, 152
- DIA 22, 55
- BRK.B 23, 116 with two weightings to avoid unexpected events

**The second team: high5 + RSPT + BRK.B ETF**

- IWY increased by 36% annually, and increased by 149% in five years (a gathering of technology stock veterans)
- MOAT 22, 88 (a winning combination of DIA and IWM)
- RSPT 29, 109 (equally weighted technology stocks)
- RSP 21, 60 (equally weighted diversified stocks)
- PFF 9.25, -9.5 (financial experts with a monthly interest rate of over 6%)
- VNQ 21, 6.8 (real estate rental income with a monthly interest rate of 2.1%)

**The third team: SFBAY team**

- VGT 35, 168 (90% information technology)
- VUG 35, 128 (50% big technology, 13% wireless network public utility)
- MAGS 46, 46 (less than one year rookie, equal weight seven giants: Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Meta, Nvidia, and Tesla)
- SMH 63, 297 (Huawei, TSMC, Broadcom, AMD, German Instrument, ASML, AD, AMAT, QCOM, and Lam)

**Fourth Team: Dividend Team**

Equivalent to emergency cash that can be converted at any time, with an annual interest rate of no less than 4%. Transfer the family savings CDA to this. The team roster has been mentioned earlier.

**Fifth Team: Safe Leveraged Team**

The second half chase for three hours. Giants covered by the stock review: TSMC, Tesla, AMD, Nvidia, Apple, etc. Only trade half-day: only trade for two to three hours after the wolf king's intraday commentary and then quickly liquidate and close. You can use the pressed cargo bottom signal warehouse skills.

By the way.

I found that Robin's trading profit and loss chart is very bad, trading short-term is exhausting, and there is no after-hours trading permission. It's better to use MOO, at least you can trade after hours up to three times a day.

Last night, I was able to watch the financial channel Bloomberg with Chinese subtitles at twice the speed. My big goal is to achieve an IELTS score of 6.5 and my small goal is an IELTS score of 5.5. From now on, I will extract five words and example sentences every day and write them down.

Knowledge post

* Short-term trading skills

For short-term trading, you need to look at the leverage list of the market and double your position when following the main trend. You can also post on Huawei's forum. He emphasizes not to hold overnight positions for day trading, and the leverage list of individual stocks within a safe distance for day trading is as follows:



Not worth investing in Micron's interpretation:


Poor 🥺, broke today! 😩
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