$Sequans Communications (SQNS.US)$ it's really crazy. how an...
$Sequans Communications (SQNS.US)$it's really crazy. how an actor or actress. can kiss the other person and other things. it's like, wow, no respect for the marriage vows. like I wonder do thr children that might of saw one of their parents on TV. and said, "Why did u kiss that man mommy or. dad, who was that lady you kiss on like mommy. ((((( NEW FLASH )))))) MONEY IS NOT EVIL. BUT God said the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Again, money is not evil, but if you love a coin or wet backs ,you will do anything to get it or hurt someone to attain it. Hey everyone, words of encouragement. please don't do anything evil or wicked. to get money. be true. remember you only getting away for a moment. Behold. God eyes are in all places. I no a person that goes to wawa and gets a lot of stuff and doesn't scan everything. even in Walmart and Home Depot. don't let that fall in your house. which I'm talking about your body. try to keep that temple clean. ok, let's make money today. remember you all, my family. no whyyyyyyy. we all come from Adam and EVE . love ye one another. if you can. buy some gloves, socks, or a winter hat. for the poor. this year's. A lot of homeless children are in the street under the age of 11, yes, if you see a child. homeless or hungry PLEASE CALL 911. PLEASE. make this week a great week. my birthday is August 30 going on s bless 52. For my birthday. all my 33 to 36 cuz. yes you all are my family. on this week. the person. that did you wrong. shake it off and relax your mind. and move forward and let the pass away where it is the pass. think about good times. and that person that did you wrong. say within yourself. I forgive you. watch a relief of heavy weight fall off. that person you don't like . sometimes they don't know it. don't let your heart beat all fast. and your blood PRESSUER goes up. let no one still tour joy. or peace of mind. not even your family 😕. life is what it is. pray, and u will find an answer. oh, if you have toothpaste and running water and toilet tissue. BE THANKFULLLLLLLL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME 8-30-72. HEY, I WOKE UP THIS MORING. NO FIRE . NO THIEF OR MUNDER NO GAS LEAK, AND THE RABBITS DEERS AND BLACK AND RED ANTS NOT FIGHTING LOL PEACE BE STILL. GOD I NEED PEACE IN MY LIFE. JESUS CHRIST GIVE MY MIND PEACE. NO MORE WORRYING I GIVE IT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TO YOU AMEN.
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BTHY : Is just a movie
BTHY : Guys usd 2.00