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$Sezzle (SEZL.US)$ Up 15 pre mkt. eps beat again 🚀

$Sezzle (SEZL.US)$ Up 15 pre mkt. eps beat again
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  • Imatt007 : That’s crazy

  • 10baggerbamm OP Imatt007 : read my other post I told everybody this is the stock that has the ability to get huge it's done it before every time

  • Yikers : i bought ten shares on your advise. thanks. now i'm trying to decide if i want to hold onto them or pick an exit point.

  • 10baggerbamm OP Yikers : so my two cents is typically at Rally's for like the first several hours after the market open as long as the market remains STRONG!  if you see this Market rolling over the S&P the qqq's the NASDAQ get the fuck out.. don't plan on holding this don't leave any profits in the company because insiders are going to register and sell they've done it two quarters in a row after the stock pops and then it falls.
    THERE'S BEEN A DAY THERE'S A LOT OF SHIT GOING ON UNDER THE SURFACE RIGHT NOW I THINK RETAILS BEING LIED TO I THINK WHAT HAPPENED IN JAPAN IS A MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM I THINK THERE'S A MAJOR LENDING INSTITUTION THAT IS INSOLVENT AT THIS POINT THAT'S GOING BROKE I THINK WE'RE NOT BEING TOLD BUT MAYBE I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT EITHER.. OUT OF NOWHERE IS THIS JOBLESS NUMBER REVERSES IS lower than expected after last Thursday's number put the market in a tailspin. I think we're going to see another rug pull if not today the market's going to sell off definitely tomorrow midday towards the end and I think there's soccer and retail buyers in thinking that it's a rally again so be very very cautious be very careful and plan on taking your profits in this stock

  • 10baggerbamm OP Yikers : we're up 17 right now under an ideal situation and I don't necessarily think we're in it I think it could push till like 105 but I think the market has a lot of uncertainty in it this print right now up 17 is significantly above the Bollinger band the upper level of resistance just like the other two prior times it's spikes way through the upper Bollinger band and this is what I said the other day and you were smart enough to buy it so congratulations. quite frankly I'm going to reverse what I told you a moment ago after I just saw how far it is above the Bollinger band I would put my order to sell in right in the spread you might give up two three more dollars on the upside but when It reverses and I don't know if it's going to be today or not it's going to come right back down because if we get another rug pull another major sell program this up 17 will go to only being up seven or eight very quick

  • 10baggerbamm OP Yikers : sell this push on the market on the open if you want to go in the spread because it trades with a half a bucks sometimes do it but you need to sell it look at the other two spikes here on this chart we are that same Gap above that upper moving average right now on the open.

  • Yikers 10baggerbamm OP : it's hard not to be skeptical of anything on the news anymore. looking into this company though since you put me onto it, I really think they have the makings to thrive in the current environment. insider selling doesn't bother me too much. if I was in there I would want to diversify and get paid. besides, they crushed earnings.

  • 10baggerbamm OP Yikers : it doesn't hold a rallies look at the past two spikes that's why I said sell it you know if you can sell a pre market sell a pre-market it's too late now but it never holds above the upper Bollinger band those two huge spikes are earnings and now today will be the third one. and only one time and you can see it last time did it carry through the second day but the market was different then because tech stocks were still rallying now they're not now people are selling rallies not buying the dips. it's your money but I think within a couple of weeks it's going to be right back down most if not all of the games it'll be in the mid 80s again

  • 10baggerbamm OP Yikers : I guess the stars were aligned today 105. pretty much right on the money with what I said I just didn't think this was going to happen today so is what it is right. I hope you didn't listen to me and you held it either way it's a nice profit congratulations

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.