SingLand: Singapore Land Group (SingLand) has announced a net profit of SGD102.4m ($75.5m) in H2 FY2023, up 7% from SGD95.3m in the same period the previous year, largely due to a fair-value gain on subsidiaries’ investment properties. Earnings per share for the period stood at 7.1 Singapore cents, up from 6.7 Singapore cents the previous year. Revenue for the period increased by 3% to SGD358.7m, boosted by higher income from hotel operations. However, revenue from property trading was partially offset by lower sales for two of the group's residential projects, and lower revenue from property investment due to the closure of Clifford Centre for redevelopment in January 2023. SingLand's board has proposed a final dividend of four Singapore cents per share for FY2023, subject to shareholder approval.