If it is in your cdp it won't show up on your poems app account. But you can input numbers to sell and it will be deducted from your cdp and a trading fee is charged with them for a linked bank account you have setup. Pls contact a poems consultant at any of their physical branches to confirm this
Take the advice from Shootingstar, As for trading, i will do it like that, buy 60 shares from odd lot market, price will be slightly higher then normal market , then buy in another 23600 in normal market to make up 100,000 shares, after consodilation become 5000 shares 这样才有肉!understand bo ? of course u can buy in more to swing when the dip, all the commission lost can be cover back
Cui Nyonya Kueh : 76340-10000
so u need to top up.. or you 76340 - xxxxx minus then divide
102058650 wan wan : You can sell your odds lots 17 shares in the system
friendly champion 102058650 wan wan : wow now worth more

Shootingstar : Choose odd lot at options and you will be given a list to sell.
长牛2030 OP Shootingstar : Not worth it, commission is too high. It’s with CDP not here.
Shootingstar 长牛2030 OP : Open accounts with poems and link your cdp there then odd lot sell they have this function too
长牛2030 OP Shootingstar : Don’t have, even cannot sell 76340 shares from poems app. I hold the odd shares for 10 years,
Shootingstar 长牛2030 OP : If it is in your cdp it won't show up on your poems app account. But you can input numbers to sell and it will be deducted from your cdp and a trading fee is charged with them for a linked bank account you have setup. Pls contact a poems consultant at any of their physical branches to confirm this
我想懵你去荷兰看奶牛 长牛2030 OP : Take the advice from Shootingstar, As for trading, i will do it like that, buy 60 shares from odd lot market, price will be slightly higher then normal market , then buy in another 23600 in normal market to make up 100,000 shares, after consodilation become 5000 shares 这样才有肉!understand bo ?
of course u can buy in more to swing when the dip, all the commission lost can be cover back ![undefined [undefined]](