我用k线写日记 : bro, calm down lo. just treat it as entertainment. trading is stressful, need some entertainment.
Never buy Never know OP 我用k线写日记 : that's why I'm entertaining myself by commenting on all their silly posts. haha. I like to see their defensive replies and watch them shuddup when shareprice shoots thru the roof. hopefully they shorted alot by that time. then its bye bye money.
Dragon Fish : You like kfc?
Never buy Never know OP Dragon Fish : kfc is delicious. thank you. later I go order some.
我用k线写日记 : bro, calm down lo. just treat it as entertainment. trading is stressful, need some entertainment.
Never buy Never know OP 我用k线写日记 : that's why I'm entertaining myself by commenting on all their silly posts. haha.

I like to see their defensive replies and watch them shuddup when shareprice shoots thru the roof. hopefully they shorted alot by that time.
then its bye bye money.
Dragon Fish : You like kfc?
Never buy Never know OP Dragon Fish : kfc is delicious. thank you. later I go order some.