LooseSpeculator : They will ROAST! yummy yummy
105132773 : Fill the comments with joys when we win
Dontchaknowme : Either win or loose guys will cry. remember how much trump cried when he lost. He’s already saying the election is rigged to start his temper tantrum like his last loss. Also fu** Kamala.
LooseSpeculator Dontchaknowme : Because it is rigged! Look up Patrick Byrne on X. But you can only rig so much.
LooseSpeculator : They will ROAST! yummy yummy
105132773 : Fill the comments with joys when we win

Dontchaknowme : Either win or loose guys will cry.
remember how much trump cried when he lost. He’s already saying the election is rigged to start his temper tantrum like his last loss. Also fu** Kamala.
LooseSpeculator Dontchaknowme : Because it is rigged! Look up Patrick Byrne on X. But you can only rig so much.