$ChargePoint (CHPT.US)$the fact that EvGo is over 6 dollars and owned by JP Morgan yet has about 7% of the charging market and CHPT that has almost 50% market share and its at a 1.00 is not only bullshit but there IS FRAUD going on! pure fuking FRAUD!!!
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Because CHPT is not a real charging station company, it is a technology management company that generates revenue by subscribing to manage other people's charging stations. I didn't realize the company had veered off track until I lost a lot of money.
OPHuang he
according to business reports they generate about 500 million a year in profit but it’s all spent back into the business. It should be about profit is profit and that is the bottom line. showing they reinvest 99% of it back into the company should be considered a good thing but some how it’s not. And it’s not like they are losing money or in the negative. blows my mind
Yes, but the ownership of the charging station does not belong to the company. That's what sets it apart from other companies, just like Zillow in real estate, making money by managing other people's houses.
They sell charging stations to venders. Then charge subscriptions for operating. Is pretty much their business model correct me if I’m wrong.
AW : Because CHPT is not a real charging station company, it is a technology management company that generates revenue by subscribing to manage other people's charging stations. I didn't realize the company had veered off track until I lost a lot of money.
Huang he AW : What are the problems with this business model? Doesn't this look a bit like Alibaba?
Cardinal-BagHolder OP AW : That’s not true. I’ve seen charge point branded charging stations with my own eyes.
Cardinal-BagHolder OP Huang he : according to business reports they generate about 500 million a year in profit but it’s all spent back into the business. It should be about profit is profit and that is the bottom line. showing they reinvest 99% of it back into the company should be considered a good thing but some how it’s not. And it’s not like they are losing money or in the negative. blows my mind
AW Cardinal-BagHolder OP : Yes, but the ownership of the charging station does not belong to the company. That's what sets it apart from other companies, just like Zillow in real estate, making money by managing other people's houses.
AW Cardinal-BagHolder OP : 他们的充电模式非常老旧 充电非常慢 没有直流高压充电桩 全部需要更替里面的电子元件 已经寻找中国厂家在产
癞气疤子 Cardinal-BagHolder OP : 这公司有两个高管年薪都差不多900万了,这不是哄你玩呢吗,公司每年收入才多少钱,几千万工资发给高管,这公司活下来的可能基本为零
Jayones Cardinal-BagHolder OP : They sell charging stations to venders. Then charge subscriptions for operating. Is pretty much their business model correct me if I’m wrong.
Huang he 癞气疤子 : Now these executives' compensation is too high.
Cardinal-BagHolder OP Jayones : They do sell subscriptions to their charging stations but so do all the other EV chargers like Tesla.