If the funds are not very abundant, it is recommended to Buy the whole splg stock, invest regularly, just buy and hold for many years. I believe that holding the S&P 500 Index for the long term will bring you considerable returns.
sorry I am also new.. just a quick check. I did ask moomoo for help regarding RSP stock. they told me there are no additional fees for RSP stocks only normal transaction. and no overnight fee charges. can anyone correct me again. just like 4772 say. can invest weekly or mthly on it ? is it really no extra charges
104594772 OP : as i know theres fees incur
稳住定投 : If the funds are not very abundant, it is recommended to Buy the whole splg stock, invest regularly, just buy and hold for many years. I believe that holding the S&P 500 Index for the long term will bring you considerable returns.
103824450 : sorry I am also new.. just a quick check. I did ask moomoo for help regarding RSP stock. they told me there are no additional fees for RSP stocks only normal transaction. and no overnight fee charges. can anyone correct me again. just like 4772 say. can invest weekly or mthly on it ? is it really no extra charges
稳住定投 103824450 : No additional fees, only fractional shares trading fees or normal full shares trading fees