Generally speaking, rose before split bug chances to fall slightly after before rearange. Fall before split, shorter rearangement time.
In the case of the NVDA many factors can come to influence and is not quiet clear how the market and investors will react.
In the begin of the year, in fact in December, I predict that Amazon, Walmart, Chipolte, Nvidia, Tesla will split. Why because the market and those stocks must rearange from theirs own bubbles.
In the case of NVDA I think will be some time to arrange with a big resistance at 150 to 175. Nvidia has to show stable revenues by segments and not just glabally. The economies will play big here and the new developments.
We will see biggers daylly trading, options and short selling.
来自未来 : It will fall after the split. Previously, Tesla fell after splitting 1 and 3, and then you can buy a cheaper one.
Heng ongg huat OP 来自未来 : should I sell it before the split then
Huat made : Before
Stockmarker : The last time after the stock split in 21 July 2021 4 to 1, the stock went up gradually
73372627 : Generally speaking, rose before split bug chances to fall slightly after before rearange. Fall before split, shorter rearangement time.
In the case of the NVDA many factors can come to influence and is not quiet clear how the market and investors will react.
In the begin of the year, in fact in December, I predict that Amazon, Walmart, Chipolte, Nvidia, Tesla will split. Why because the market and those stocks must rearange from theirs own bubbles.
In the case of NVDA I think will be some time to arrange with a big resistance at 150 to 175. Nvidia has to show stable revenues by segments and not just glabally. The economies will play big here and the new developments.
We will see biggers daylly trading, options and short selling.
Conclusion: Dilligeance is the key success.