K K Hau : The current exchange rate is 1 Singapore dollar (convertible) 109 yen. You can buy this fruit for 1 Singapore dollar
Azzvia OP K K Hau : huh? This is a capsule of S$109
Bull Run K K Hau : But Singapore selling price may be $5 dollars
Azzvia OP Bull Run : selling at S$109 in Singapore~
会飞的笨鸟 : Absolutely unnecessary, the $6 one is very sweet
Azzvia OP 会飞的笨鸟 : I've never eaten it, I just rely on SIA ~;)
Buy n Die Together❤ :
K K Hau : The current exchange rate is 1 Singapore dollar (convertible) 109 yen. You can buy this fruit for 1 Singapore dollar
Azzvia OP K K Hau : huh? This is a capsule of S$109
Bull Run K K Hau : But Singapore selling price may be $5 dollars
Azzvia OP Bull Run : selling at S$109 in Singapore~
会飞的笨鸟 : Absolutely unnecessary, the $6 one is very sweet
Azzvia OP 会飞的笨鸟 : I've never eaten it, I just rely on SIA ~;)
Buy n Die Together❤ :