Who want volunteer become head of retail investors pls kee chiu. Don’t let the big boys bully us. We hold the price tight tight until diamond also cannot cut.
Meng PaPa
Most leaders now dare not lead already. Big boys got muscle, retail investors are like slaves. Hopefully, next year we can topple them.
Bull Run : Up to retail investors play but scally
may run on fears rumours
102794176 : Who want volunteer become head of retail investors pls kee chiu. Don’t let the big boys bully us. We hold the price tight tight until diamond also cannot cut.
Meng PaPa OP Bull Run : Yes, lots of turbulence. Must have strong heart.
Meng PaPa OP 102794176 : Most leaders now dare not lead already. Big boys got muscle, retail investors are like slaves. Hopefully, next year we can topple them.
Meng PaPa OP : Sorry for my late reply. Just finished work.
Asphen : not a good stat