上班对冲风险投资 : check this: FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
Bull Run : Don't hope as it's in Dec and the payout will come from your pockets holding share price cut
102890758 : wait for next month , tentatively 1st week around 7th Nov, will announced half yearly result and cash dividend $, pay date around 2nd half of Dec .
123456FEDCBA : You always lose more than what dividend pays
上班对冲风险投资 : check this: FAQ:Where Does My Dividend Go?
Bull Run : Don't hope as it's in Dec and the payout will come from your pockets holding share price cut
102890758 : wait for next month , tentatively 1st week around 7th Nov, will announced half yearly result and cash dividend $, pay date around 2nd half of Dec .
123456FEDCBA : You always lose more than what dividend pays