If u r urgent in need money then u got to let it go, if this holding is your excess cash then, don't bother so much of the current situation happening around the world, keep it for 2 to 5 years and come back look at it
102595596 yx
wait for 15 may biz it get more to buy low..studybits fin statement..last yr 2 bil.profit hit 8 $...this yr 9 mt till dec 23 already hit 2 bill...dun worry
102595596 yx
the optimism is based on solid facts of last yr n this yr fin cloaed in mar 24. hold it if u can till biz mtg..u monitor the px fm thr...if up sell dont hold..this stk i wont hold long term...
ASIMPLEJOB : If u r urgent in need money then u got to let it go, if this holding is your excess cash then, don't bother so much of the current situation happening around the world, keep it for 2 to 5 years and come back look at it
DreamZ85 : That true for the comment above. If is excess cash just keep holding but if u need the money better just sell it and put in funds
102595596 yx : wait for 15 may biz it get more to buy low..studybits fin statement..last yr 2 bil.profit hit 8 $...this yr 9 mt till dec 23 already hit 2 bill...dun worry
102595596 yx : share buy back is gd things for sq...just wait...
102595596 yx : hv cash buy more to lower ave px...non urgent cash...wait till after biz mtg then sell
Meng PaPa 102595596 yx : Very optimistic Same thinking as me.
Meng PaPa 102595596 yx : This buy back too tiny, sad to say no impact.
Meng PaPa : I think the coming and future dividends are very promising, and you will love it.
102595596 yx : the optimism is based on solid facts of last yr n this yr fin cloaed in mar 24. hold it if u can till biz mtg..u monitor the px fm thr...if up sell dont hold..this stk i wont hold long term...
Meng PaPa 102595596 yx : Thanks for your advice