Meng PaPa
Shares buy back is also a form of ROE. Since SIA is now cash rich and generating good revenue and also paying high dividends, shares buy back is also a form of reducing the amount of dividends flowing out to other shareholders, thus, escalate the company's revenue further. Also reduced its liquidity. Self invest.
Cristiano JS : Company buying back share at lower price is good for investor.
FaithXY OP Cristiano JS : ohh okie :)! thanks
102469402 : Thank you for sharing
Meng PaPa : Shares buy back is also a form of ROE. Since SIA is now cash rich and generating good revenue and also paying high dividends, shares buy back is also a form of reducing the amount of dividends flowing out to other shareholders, thus, escalate the company's revenue further. Also reduced its liquidity. Self invest.
Shootingstar : maybe year end bonus coming to give their management shares like what st does