102383658 : You should look for sophic Automation sdn bhd. Company information is available. 3ren berhad seems to be created temporarily.
103845021 OP : bruhhh. consumer first point of contact is through their website (WITH THEIR COMPANY NAME)
103208796 : True
RayLee949 103845021 OP : 這個公司潛質 。。。如何的?有詳細參考嗎?
黑客淘金者 : There is no introduction inside the company, and no one knows what the company does. How can investors have confidence to invest money in applying for an IPO?
Outfarer 103845021 OP : Agree with you
MingYinn : 25% will be used to repay borrowings from bank
102383658 : You should look for sophic Automation sdn bhd. Company information is available. 3ren berhad seems to be created temporarily.
103845021 OP : bruhhh. consumer first point of contact is through their website (WITH THEIR COMPANY NAME)
103208796 : True
RayLee949 103845021 OP : 這個公司潛質 。。。如何的?有詳細參考嗎?
黑客淘金者 : There is no introduction inside the company, and no one knows what the company does. How can investors have confidence to invest money in applying for an IPO?
Outfarer 103845021 OP : Agree with you
MingYinn : 25% will be used to repay borrowings from bank