vclow 那些年。。。
There was too much pressure from the front, and it wasn't enough to attack 3 or 4 times... I'm afraid the main force is losing strength... Tomorrow we'll know the answer
vclow 那些年。。。
As long as it doesn't fall below 1.47, the trend is very good. I just feel that the overall trend of the Malaysian stock market is not very good.
104692723 : Why do you say that? Will it fall?
vclow 那些年。。。 OP : There was too much pressure from the front, and it wasn't enough to attack 3 or 4 times... I'm afraid the main force is losing strength... Tomorrow we'll know the answer
Mango_ vclow 那些年。。。 OP : so how?
vclow 那些年。。。 OP Mango_ : congrats who hold this lo..
Mango_ vclow 那些年。。。 OP : im not holding it, just asking ur opinion about this counter
vclow 那些年。。。 OP : As long as it doesn't fall below 1.47, the trend is very good.
I just feel that the overall trend of the Malaysian stock market is not very good.
Mango_ vclow 那些年。。。 OP : ic