joe black8
if 840$ is your stop loss, then that's your entry price, 80% of the times the stock you are buying or selling will hit your stop loss price. so buy at 840
The 157, 500, and 960 are all sold. Then wait and see if you buy 800-850, it's too much. It's not good hype about Wall Street. If you look at 850, NVDA is also strong. Personally, I don't feel like it to over 770, which is the low line after the earnings report
70825143 : 400
joe black8 OP : 400? really?
泉水叮咚 : 3%
joe black8 OP 泉水叮咚 : so I suppose 840$
joe black8 OP 泉水叮咚 : if 840$ is your stop loss, then that's your entry price, 80% of the times the stock you are buying or selling will hit your stop loss price. so buy at 840
RW88 : it will definitely go beyond 1000.
Zilla : buy buy buy, 1000 soon
泉水叮咚 joe black8 OP : I think it's about 850. The purchase volume on the deep side is 26.89K unless the agency cancels the order again
102514703 : The 157, 500, and 960 are all sold. Then wait and see if you buy 800-850, it's too much. It's not good hype about Wall Street. If you look at 850, NVDA is also strong. Personally, I don't feel like it
to over 770, which is the low line after the earnings report
151487398 : 792
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