103009447 : Hold Tight!!!!!
104617576 OP : sell half I got already hold half recover funds abit
103009447 : Quite normal what
Followthebullet : Roller coaster going up so high and yall still buy?
103009447 Followthebullet : Very hard to say
103009447 Followthebullet : And with good dividends, why not?
103009447 : Start dropping?
103009447 : Hold Tight!!!!!
104617576 OP : sell half I got already hold half recover funds abit
103009447 : Quite normal what
Followthebullet : Roller coaster going up so high and yall still buy?
103009447 Followthebullet : Very hard to say
103009447 Followthebullet : And with good dividends, why not?
103009447 : Start dropping?