73454609 : don't try on this stock. you'll start with a huge loss
2120Dude : buy high sell low, ya gotta have margin
2120Dude : I apologize, sell high, buy low....
Macauley Murdock : U can’t short this stocks on this platform but u can on others
TranceHead : borrow stock you think will fall, sell stock and buy at lower price, return the stock (with interest) and pocket the difference
73454609 : don't try on this stock. you'll start with a huge loss
2120Dude : buy high sell low, ya gotta have margin
2120Dude : I apologize, sell high, buy low....
Macauley Murdock : U can’t short this stocks on this platform but u can on others
TranceHead : borrow stock you think will fall, sell stock and buy at lower price, return the stock (with interest) and pocket the difference