105296652 : This stock is no longer bullish. I lost 10% and sold it.
BestAlSHBB : Are you sure?
JayCET OP BestAlSHBB : Very sure
JayCET OP 105296652 : I lost almost 30%
JayCET OP 101835261 : Go shareholders there have a look bro
阿wing :
BestAlSHBB JayCET OP : Sirius XM | SC 13G: Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals-Warren E. Buffett(31.01%),Berkshire Hathaway Inc.(31.01%), etc. - moomoo
Eddie C : false info. proven.
105296652 : This stock is no longer bullish. I lost 10% and sold it.
BestAlSHBB : Are you sure?
JayCET OP BestAlSHBB : Very sure
JayCET OP 105296652 : I lost almost 30%
JayCET OP 101835261 : Go shareholders there have a look bro
阿wing :
BestAlSHBB JayCET OP : Sirius XM | SC 13G: Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals-Warren E. Buffett(31.01%),Berkshire Hathaway Inc.(31.01%), etc. - moomoo
Eddie C : false info. proven.