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SkyBridge Capital’s Scaramucci Says Bitcoin Will Reach $250,000 If This US Presidential Candidate Wins

Scaramucci predicts Bitcoin will hit $170,000 to $250,000 during a second Biden administration, mentioned in an Unchained interview.

He supports Biden, noting the approval of Spot Ethereum ETFs and potential layer-1 ETFs, dismissing the notion of the current government being anti-crypto.

Despite Biden vetoing the SAB 121 bill, Scaramucci believes a new crypto bill will be signed in the next congressional term, ending the “anti-crypto nonsense” from Warren and Gensler.

Having served under Trump, Scaramucci’s support for Biden is surprising. He criticizes Trump for being “very transactional” and suggests Trump’s current crypto support is vote-driven.

Why Crypto Has “Already Won?
Scaramucci claims the crypto industry has already won against Warren and Gensler, noting victories in court against the SEC and pressure from Biden’s campaign team to avoid an anti-crypto stance. He believes the SEC has been pressured by Biden’s administration, recognizing that an anti-crypto stance is harmful to Biden’s campaign.

Based on those points he outlined, Scaramuci again reaffirmed that the crypto industry has won against those who are anti-crypto.
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  • Space Dust : these " great investments" of crypto.
    1.) they are anonymous.. no more..
    2.) the govt doesn't know.. only idiots thought this
    3.) it's the ' future ' free from outside control
    4.) noone can take it .. except govt and hackers
    5.) IRS can't see or tax it . good one ..

    how is this not stupid? govt has complete control and has gaslit the masses 80% ( who only have standard IQ and are the herd) believe everything.

    if you really trust crypto..
    go get that booster. again .. you can't get " it". and you can't spread it.. see.. 😔


  • 70828616 : Only an Idoit dem living on welfare would vote for biden buddy. Get out of here

  • 2120Dude 70828616: If I were a betting man on the presidential race, Your gonna have the current VP
    setting in the White House in two years.
