There are people outside of humans, and there are things beyond the sky. I don't really trade much, I just have a talent for stepping back, looking at the overall situation, emotions, prices, volumes, and the interests of buyers and sellers, swiftly identifying panic or irrational pricing, and placing bets.
KC67 Chan : Not bad for 12 days work
Capping : 500% ? are you doing US stocks?
Avalanche雪崩哥 OP Capping : You can get 500% short term over any asset class as long as you leverage enough and confident enough. The day after tmr is beautiful, but most people die tmr evening.
J wants more money : I only want to make extra $2000 a month, my friend say that is easy, just 100 a day. but after 10 mths, I make 0 and lost money. buy soxl, losing 3000 , same friend say, oh why I buy at high price. buy Mara, mara rose but I didn't sell and now Mara drop. buy clsk, clsk keep dropping. how can I study how to buy shares better?
Avalanche雪崩哥 OP J wants more money : Buy low, sell high. Think about when would it be high and when would it be low. Think. There is a community that rewards radical open mindedness and meritocracy, think and bet, even if you don’t believe in it. Do the right things, at the right time, data, don’t lie. Markets are never wrong, opinions often are.
Avalanche雪崩哥 OP Capping : hmm not just US stocks, some HK shares and derivatives for cash flow and heding.
sundsvallson Capping : most likely 0 dte options.
Avalanche雪崩哥 OP sundsvallson : nah i dont do 0DTE. Decay alone will get me.
sundsvallson Avalanche雪崩哥 OP : not if you're only in the trade for a few minutes