Uncle Ho : Sent.
何大师 : How much did you earn?
102514703 : I only buy one ticket
CG88 : Have to wait market open?
世间一凡人 OP : The opening price will start at 50.
世间一凡人 OP CG88 : yes
CG88 世间一凡人 OP : Why put at 45 and not lower than pre market price of 32+ now?
战无不胜之东方不败 : Posted, congratulations
世间一凡人 OP 战无不胜之东方不败 : Thank you.
Uncle Ho : Sent.
何大师 : How much did you earn?
102514703 : I only buy one ticket
CG88 : Have to wait market open?
世间一凡人 OP : The opening price will start at 50.
世间一凡人 OP CG88 : yes
CG88 世间一凡人 OP : Why put at 45 and not lower than pre market price of 32+ now?
战无不胜之东方不败 : Posted, congratulations
世间一凡人 OP 战无不胜之东方不败 : Thank you.