Chang’s : roll next time
努力变富 : What does that mean?
bobbymoo OP 努力变富 : that my hunch was correct but not in time. bet it will reach 47 last friday. only went up after bet expire
152254699 : Can you exercise your rights?
103651476 : just buy the stock instead of call option ?
104371035 : is the option only consider regular hour? post market last friday is not considered?
104858186 bobbymoo OP : What your hunch is correct? The whole point of options is measuring time. How about reflect and learn from your mistake instead of victimising yourself.. ‘my luck is always like that’ is pathetic bro
rational Ibex_9813 : I also sold that day so feel ur pain
105177241 : Can u tell me when u going buy next time. So we can buy the opposite
Chang’s : roll next time
努力变富 : What does that mean?
bobbymoo OP 努力变富 : that my hunch was correct but not in time. bet it will reach 47 last friday. only went up after bet expire
152254699 : Can you exercise your rights?
103651476 : just buy the stock instead of call option ?
104371035 : is the option only consider regular hour? post market last friday is not considered?
104858186 bobbymoo OP : What your hunch is correct? The whole point of options is measuring time. How about reflect and learn from your mistake instead of victimising yourself.. ‘my luck is always like that’ is pathetic bro
rational Ibex_9813 : I also sold that day so feel ur pain
105177241 : Can u tell me when u going buy next time. So we can buy the opposite