105604615 : Normally, when a stock’s value rises sharply and then falls sharply, the loss appears to be substantial, which can lead to panic selling.This is normal phenomenon in market.
Devine6671 : People who are indecisive are usually losers
私房钱 Devine6671 : Either win or lose, keep buying!
蛋蛋 1号 Devine6671 : Agreement
105604615 : Normally, when a stock’s value rises sharply and then falls sharply, the loss appears to be substantial, which can lead to panic selling.
This is normal phenomenon in market.
Devine6671 : People who are indecisive are usually losers
私房钱 Devine6671 : Either win or lose, keep buying!
蛋蛋 1号 Devine6671 : Agreement