105604615 : What does it means, is it .96 days to be short?
Rocketier (MAXN) OP 105604615 : Means if the shorts were to cover, u can see a sudden extreme spike of the price
105604615 Rocketier (MAXN) OP : Dang
宇宙合一 Rocketier (MAXN) OP : 意思,明天回跌
103890089 宇宙合一 : if short cover doesn't it means it will fly? why drop? lol
Rocketier (MAXN) OP 103890089 : No it's when if there's good news and bullish trend, shorts will cover. It's not just cause it shows high short volume means will cover hahaha
103890089 Rocketier (MAXN) OP : I see. thanks for explaining. so do you think it is bullish or bearish?
105604615 : What does it means, is it .96 days to be short?
Rocketier (MAXN) OP 105604615 : Means if the shorts were to cover, u can see a sudden extreme spike of the price
105604615 Rocketier (MAXN) OP : Dang
宇宙合一 Rocketier (MAXN) OP : 意思,明天回跌
103890089 宇宙合一 : if short cover doesn't it means it will fly? why drop? lol
Rocketier (MAXN) OP 103890089 : No it's when if there's good news and bullish trend, shorts will cover. It's not just cause it shows high short volume means will cover hahaha
103890089 Rocketier (MAXN) OP : I see. thanks for explaining. so do you think it is bullish or bearish?