there's plenty of Hollywood celebrities that are worth a lot less than her boyfriend was worth and they got smoking hot girlfriends on the side of the fact that they're married and they might be in their sixties and they got a 25 year old smoking hot piece of ass for a girlfriend because they're single and divorce multiple times by the way and this is the best that that dude could come up with is her you know what that tells me she was the fucking brains behind the operation it wasn't him
TheMantis : priceless
10baggerbamm : somebody fucking hit her with the ugly stick a few times
Stock_Drift OP 10baggerbamm : A few or 10!!!
10baggerbamm Stock_Drift OP : there's plenty of Hollywood celebrities that are worth a lot less than her boyfriend was worth and they got smoking hot girlfriends on the side of the fact that they're married and they might be in their sixties and they got a 25 year old smoking hot piece of ass for a girlfriend because they're single and divorce multiple times by the way and this is the best that that dude could come up with is her you know what that tells me she was the fucking brains behind the operation it wasn't him
Stock_Drift OP 10baggerbamm : It was her
TechWhiz 10baggerbamm : lol... maybe he has a thing for nerds
10baggerbamm TechWhiz : revenge of the nerds..
Baba Boya 10baggerbamm : She got a train ran through her
Shootingstar : her crime is worse then a terrorist
EZ_money : come on man.... have you looked at SBF? cross between Frankenstein and Harvey Weinstein. that's probably his first kiss
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