because it's a shit company and they can't make any money reselling games so they took advantage of the suckers that bid up the stock to astronomical valuations and they sold shares $125 million total they made more money by taking advantage of retail investors then they have through their thousand stores nationwide selling video games.
shamwow : to get 5 bil in cash
1836472636272847 : Can’t you see their game?!? Let’s unite and burn them!!!!
10baggerbamm : because it's a shit company and they can't make any money reselling games so they took advantage of the suckers that bid up the stock to astronomical valuations and they sold shares $125 million total they made more money by taking advantage of retail investors then they have through their thousand stores nationwide selling video games.
shamwow : you are about to be shareholder of a company with heavy cash and looking for acquisition
71143341 : Cuz that represents 2.7 billion usd at current price…
That gives them pure oxygen to survive as a company
GoldenRam : greedy execs. best is this stock goes to penny and they have to delist. that should teach them.
73946169 : the facts are that real investors dont touch this stock. like weedstocks its just good for a quick buck
Dyls : Money bro.. Why not. Gme is not in biz for retailers cause mate
73946169 10baggerbamm : there is always money to be made from the stupidity of others. i hope rk goes live and says thanks for the money im out