Renby : I bought at 10.85, my portfolio is looking red through out the week, I’m just waiting patiently for it to go back up
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Renby : Maybe aveage down?
Renby ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : yeah I've done that but I don't have bullets now , all are tied to Amazon and Ford, and I bought amazon at 189.
Methods : Quit Trading...! How do you buy without an exit plan? down 10-15% cut and wait or move on
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Methods : My target is 12.00, probably 5-6 month. Please be careful about your language, 3 strikes and you out ok? Ahahahahah
Renby : I bought at 10.85, my portfolio is looking red through out the week, I’m just waiting patiently for it to go back up
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Renby : Maybe aveage down?
Renby ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : yeah I've done that but I don't have bullets now
, all are tied to Amazon and Ford, and I bought amazon at 189.
Methods : Quit Trading...! How do you buy without an exit plan? down 10-15% cut and wait or move on
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Methods : My target is 12.00, probably 5-6 month. Please be careful about your language, 3 strikes and you out ok? Ahahahahah